
Showing posts from April, 2022

Review: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

 Now that I've reviewed all four of Apollo Justice's case, I decided that it's time to review the game itself. The game is one of the more divisive installments in the series due to making quite a few risky decisions; some work out and others don't. Story The story picks up just over seven years after the last game, Trials and Tribulations, and stars a new protagonist- rookie defense attorney Apollo Justice. His first client is a personal friend of his boss Kristoph Gavin- none other than disgraced former defense attorney Phoenix Wright. As Apollo works to prove himself as a lawyer, he gradually learns of the events that led to Phoenix being disbarred. If I had to make an analogy to describe this plot, I'd say this game is to Ace Attorney what The Last Jedi is to Star Wars. It's a sequel that takes risks with the franchise, only for the subsequent installment to backpedal on some of those choices. Phoenix is probably the most relevant example, with him being co

Lufia and The Fortress of Doom: The Dangers of Putting The Best Part First

Lufia and the Fortress of Doom is a mostly forgettable RPG on the Super NES, save for a surprisingly good opening sequence. Unfortunately, the rest of the game never quite reaches this level of quality, thus presenting a cautionary tale against putting the best part first. The game starts with the battle against the Sinistrals. The first playable sequence has you control the party of legendary heroes- Maxim, Selan, Artea and Guy- as they assault the Sinistrals' lair. In gameplay terms, you're playing through the final dungeon and fighting the final bosses, but this is far easier than it seems, since Maxim and his party are overleveled for the task. Eventually, you face the Sinistrals themselves- Gades, Amon, Erim and Daos- although when you actually reach them in the game proper, you skip over Erim and fight Guard Daos after the three male Sinistrals are defeated. The battle concludes on a bittersweet note, as while evil is defeated, Selan and Maxim die as the Fortress of Doom