A Penny For Your Thoughts

My first official entry on this blog will, like many others, write about writing about fiction. More specifically, I will deal with various review and analysis pieces that people do.

If you go on YouTube, you may see many videos that review or analyze various ongoing series, especially if you have viewed similar videos in the past. These videos can vary in length, with some being around 10 minutes to others being well over an hour long. The question is- should they be that long?

There is no easy answer to that question. Longer pieces tend to result in more comprehensive analysis, at least when the video time is used well. That said, a long review can be a significant time investment, especially when it's a video, which is more difficult to skim over. Many such reviewers have large fanbases, who have come to respect them and value their opinions, but it may be difficult for a less established reviewer to ask someone to sit down and listen to them that long, when there are countless others who are offering their opinions.

I believe that having a platform to express one's opinion, as well as an audience to read what one expresses, is a privilege. If you understand that, then you should show appreciation to your viewers by not taking them for granted. You should continue to give them the quality of work that they expect (which may include long and comprehensive pieces, if that is what they expect of you), and always remember that when they choose to read or watch what you put out, they are giving you their time, even if they are not paying you.

This has been my opinion on this matter. Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy this and the rest of my blog.


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