Fire Emblem Supports I'd Like To See

If you are familiar with Fire Emblem, you may know of the Support system, in which units fighting alongside each other leads to enhanced performance, friendship and even love. There are many different pairs of support partners, but some units cannot support, which leads to a few missed opportunities.

This blog entry will show some characters who I think should be able to support with each other, starting with general examples and going into specific games. The list is by no means complete, and I may eventually post a second volume if I come up with more ideas.


  • Any "Avatar-sexual" units/units with only one support chain and other units. One of the joys of support conversations is that different interactions bring out different sides of a character's personality, or different parts of their backstory. For example, in Three Houses, Ferdinand's supports with Hubert contrasts their relationships with Edelgard, while his supports with Mercedes go into what he believes it means to be a noble. As such, units who can only support with the player character tend to be less developed than many of the others.


  • Chrom and Cordelia. Perhaps the point of Cordelia's relationship with Chrom is that her love for him is unrequited, but it would have been nice to give them a chance to interact, showing Cordelia coming to terms with those feelings.
  • Lucina and Severa: The two have a fascinating conversation in the Hot Spring Scramble DLC, in which they talk about their respective burdens, so it would be nice to see them expand on that.
  • Lucina and Elise: The two interact surprisingly often in the storyline, so a support could be built along how the niece and aunt pair get along.
  • Tiki and Nowi: Considering that Tiki has a support conversation with Nah about their both being manaketes, it seems more than a little strange that Tiki does not have a support with Nah's mother, Nowi.
  • Chrom/Lissa and Emmeryn: These supports could potentially have shed more light on the relationships the royal siblings of Ylisse had, as well as showing Chrom and Lissa coming to terms with their eldest sister being unable to remember them.
  • Say'ri and Chrom: While it would not be possible for them to marry, given that Chrom is already married as of a few chapters before Say'ri's introduction, perhaps it might have given the chance to form a bond as fellow leaders, considering that they often interact in the story.
  • Xander and Takumi, Camilla and Sakura, Leo and Ryoma, and Elise and Hinoka: All four of the pairs qualify for the same reason. The supports between the opposing royals are fairly interesting and well-written, but there's one problem. While each royal has a support with their counterpart from the opposing country (Xander and Ryoma, Camilla and Hinoka, Leo and Takumi, and Elise and Sakura), as well as the royals of the opposite gender, the above four pairs have no support conversations. Luckily, Heroes rectified this.
  • Reina and Orochi: As two retainers to Queen Mikoto, it would have been worth seeing them interact, since all the other retainers have supports.
  • Flora and Jakob: While Flora's love for Jakob may be unrequited, it might have been nice to at least give her a chance to fall in love with someone. Furthermore, it would also have been nice to have more supports besides with Corrin and Felicia(Flora's sister).
  • Scarlet and Ryoma: The two have some sparks when they meet in Revelation. Unfortunately, not only does Scarlet die in that route, like in Conquest, but Scarlet can only support with Corrin.
Shadows of Valentia.
  • Celica and Genny: Since Genny's only support is with Sonya, a character who may not join (recruiting her requires you to kill Deen and vice versa), she is somewhat underdeveloped. Having her interact with Celica would help shed light on the two's friendship as fellow members of the priory.
  • Clive and Clair: The supports between siblings have generally been well-written, so it would have been good to see one between Clair and her brother.
  • Celica and Mycen: While this support could only happen in the post-game, it could explore what Celica thinks of Mycen after being away from him for so long.
  • Silque and anyone besides Faye: Not only is Faye unusually mean to Silque despite the latter's earnest attempts to befriend her, but even worse, this is Silque's only support chain. Having more support conversations could help flesh out her character, particularly how she was abandoned by her mother.
  • Faye and Celica: Since Faye does not have to be recruited, it is actually possible for Alm to avoid recruiting her, allowing Celica to return to Ram Village and convince her to join her army. Unfortunately, Faye has no supports with anyone in Celica's army (or anyone besides Alm and Silque), so giving her a support with Celica would be a good way to explore how Faye feels about the other girl in Alm's group of friends, as well as the one who ultimately stole Alm's heart. Perhaps in the end, Faye could come to see Celica as a friend, rather than merely a rival.
  • Faye and Clair: Both women have unrequited love for Alm, so perhaps they could bond over that.
Three Houses
  • Dimitri and Sylvain: Yes, they can support with each other, but inexplicably, it ends at Rank B despite their being childhood friends. By comparison, Ingrid and Felix, the other two members of the quartet of childhood friends, can get A supports and paired endings with each other, Dimitri and Sylvain. An A support between Dimitri and Sylvain would help explore their friendship more, especially if it takes place after Dimitri's redemption midway through Azure Moon.
  • Edelgard and Mercedes: As Mercedes is a former Empire noble who also does not think highly of the Crest system (hence why I think she is a better fit for the Black Eagles), she and Edelgard would have a great deal to discuss. The fact that both of them appear to be bisexual, and can be paired with a Byleth of either gender, would also make for another lesbian couple that does not include Byleth.
  • Marianne and Mercedes: The two have a great deal in common. They are two of the more religious students, have poor relations with their adoptive fathers (although Marianne's relationship with hers does improve later), and were adopted because of their Crests.
  • Flayn and Alois: Alois apparently often spends time with Flayn, who does not care much for his jokes. One would struggle to see this, though, since they do not have a support chain together. This is a shame, since their interactions might have been good to see.


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