An Analysis of Persona 4's Lovers Social Link

This post, like the one I wrote about Persona 4's Priestess Social Link, will provide a synopsis and analysis of a Social Link and the character involved. This one will focus on Rise Kujikawa, Persona 4's Lovers Social Link examine why the decision to return to the idol singer industry is consistent with her character arc.

For context, Rise is the third person to be rescued from the TV, and the first one who is not in any way connected to Mayumi Yamano's murder. Her Shadow is born out of an identity crisis as an idol known as "Risette," and resolved once she accepts that the Shadow is a part of her, too.

The Rank 1 event involves Rise asking the protagonist to show her around town. It's possible to study with Rise before this, but there's no benefit to it apart from the opportunity to improve your Knowledge and prepare for the upcoming test. Like with Teddie, Yukiko, Kanji and Naoto, there's a significant gap between when you meet Rise and when her Social Link begins, but like the first two, and unlike the latter two, Rise's begins as part of the story.

The Rank 2 event is mainly an outing to Souzai Daigaku with Rise. Most of the event is small talk, but Rise mentions in passing that her parents are strict, showing that she's closer to her grandmother.

Rank 3 involves a trip to Okina City. One of Rise's fans recognizes her, but she bluntly tells him that she's no longer "Risette." This event shows that while she's accepted her Shadow, she still thinks of Risette as fake persona that she intends to discard. Like with the other Investigation Team Social Links, Rise still struggles with the issue that her Shadow represents, even after acquiring her Persona.

Rank 4 returns to Inaba, where Rise notices a man in a suit outside her family's business, Marukyu Tofu. She soon recognizes him as Minoru Inoue, her old manager, and realizes that he's here to bring her back. She refuses to return and claims that she's planning on marrying you, the protagonist. For context, 1)out of all the main character's love interests, Rise is most open about her feelings for him, 2)she refers to the main character by his first name without honorifics in that scene(as opposed to the more respectful "Senpai") as a show of familiarity, and 3)the idol singer industry severely frowns upon anything that might hint that the idols are in a relationship. Inoue realizes that Rise wants him to leave, and complies.

Rank 5 has Rise the player to the hill overlooking town. Rise mentions that she didn't have any friends when she was younger, and was bullied. All that changed when a relative submitted an application form for an idol audition on Rise's behalf without her knowledge, and Rise went along with it, hoping to make friends. Unfortunately, she believed that everyone who now liked her only liked her as Risette, rather than Rise.

You're asked whether you're with Rise because she's Risette, and she responds best to "No," or "I don't know." Perhaps Rise could interpret a "Yes" answer as proof that because she became Rise, went on hiatus and stayed with her grandmother, she ended up meeting you (especially because her hiatus from showbiz resulted in her making the news and getting on the Midnight Channel), but right now, she's not in the frame of mind necessary to accept that argument.

At Rank 6, Rise runs off for a little while near Marukyu Tofu, hoping to get something from you. Inoue approaches the player character while Rise is gone, giving him a fan letter to deliver to Rise. Inoue admits that idol work is exhausting (to say nothing of the idol industry's other problems, which the Dancing All Night spinoff touches on), but that he believes that Rise is a strong and talented individual. Rise returns and is rather upset that not only is Inoue persisting in his attempts to get her to return, but he's going to you behind her back. She takes "That's not nice" or "You're not coming back?" as you siding with Inoue, and responds to "He was worried about you," by bluntly telling you that Inoue only cares about her as an idol. None of those responses win you any relationship points with her.

Rise calms down a bit and asks to see the letter, which is from a middle school girl who's a fan of Risette. Rise recalls that the fan had been bullied, but had found strength from Rise's performances. This, combined with a campaign against bullying that Rise mentions, are proof that Rise's career as an idol can make a difference for others.

Naturally, the fan is disappointed to hear about Rise going on hiatus, officially for health-related reasons, and Rise feels as though she's betraying the fan's expectations. Rise responds best to being asked if she's "Having second thoughts?" or told "She'll understand," but still feels conflicted, knowing that the girl isn't the only one she disappointed. While Rise's initial reasons for getting into the idol industry were for the selfish (but understandable) desire to make friends, she realizes she can help others.

At Rank 7, in Okina City, Rise catches wind of a new idol, Kanami Mashita, who's a year younger than Rise. Rise outwardly professes that she hopes Kanami becomes popular and replaces her, so the agency will leave Rise alone. However, Rise gets upset when some passers-by remark how Kanami isn't "fake," unlike Rise, and asks to go back home.

For context, Dancing All Night reveals that the idea that Kanami isn't fake couldn't be further from the truth. The difference between Kanami as an idol and Kanami as a normal person- in hair color, hairstyle, clothing and glasses- is so stark that they're practically two different people. Of course, Rise doesn't know that yet, and neither do Kanami's fanboys.

Back in Inaba, Rise asks the protagonist whether he's happy or sad that he's with an idol. "I'm happy" makes Rise wonder why you're so nice to her (but gets you approval points), "That part doesn't matter" also pleases her, and "I'm miserable" is obviously wrong. Nanako says she's a bigger fan of Rise than Kanami, even knowing that she's different in reality. Rise then insists that she won't return to the idol industry and give up her real self, unaware that she's been doubting her decision for the past two events.

Rank 8, unlike the Rank 8 events of other Social Links, is fully voice-acted, since it's the emotional climax of the Social Link. Rise speaks to the deputy mayor, and is somewhat conflicted about hearing that Kanami will appear in an upcoming movies.

Before Rise can fully process that news, Inoue arrives once again, making one last offer for Rise to return. When Rise refuses, he reveals that he's started work as Kanami's manager. He's confident that Kanami will succeed, but says that since Kanami isn't nearly as talented as Rise, it will need more work.

Rise then bursts into tears, not only upset that Inoue didn't tell her any of this earlier, but also realizing what she's lost. While she probably always knew that not just anyone could become an idol, she didn't fully realize how much talent she had until it was too late. At this point, you can choose to hug her (thereby beginning a romantic relationship) or stand by her (thereby remaining friends).

Rank 9 begins with Rise having calmed down since last time, and having mulled over why she broke down the way she did. Before she tells you why, she asks you why, and the answer that seems to be best, as well as one of my favorite lines from the protagonist, is "Risette is Rise, too." Rise then responds as follows.

"Yeah... you knew all along, huh....?  Haha, but really... that's how it was. Risette's name in lights... Idolized by the masses... That was 'me,' too... I didn't want to lose that 'me'..."

Rise adds that all of the roles she plays are her, and decides not to run away from who she is anymore.

Rank 10 either takes you to your room or to the hill overlooking town. Rise announces her decision to return to showbiz, despite the difficulty involved with a comeback. Rise's Persona then evolves into Kanzeon.

Rise's new event in Golden begins on a depressing note, with Rise's fan having written her, announcing that she's decided to give up on being a Risette fan. According to the girl, her friend told her that she'd break off the friendship if she didn't stop, which hardy sounds like the actions of a real friend. After musing about how complicated relationships can be, Rise declares that idols can be inspirations for others, and she hopes to do something like that for the girl. Her Persona evolves once again, this time to Kouzeon.

Rise's Social Link is similar to Yukiko's in some ways. Both girls set out to go down a path that involves hardship and sacrifice, but allows them to become pillars of support for others. Like with Yukiko, Rise's Social Link helps her grow as a person and gain a new understanding of an important part of her life while fundamentally staying true to herself, making it an effective show of character development.


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