Persona 4 As Told By AI Dungeon

You may remember that a little while ago, I decided to see what Persona 3's story would be like if AI Dungeon was telling it. This time, it's Persona 4's turn.

This time, I decided to do some things differently. First, I had the AI remember some things.

  1. Your name is Yu Narukami.
  2. You are a 16 year old boy.
  3. Dojima is your uncle, as well as your mother's younger brother.
  4. For the following year- April 11, 2011 to March 21, 2012- you will be living in Inaba and attending school at Yasogami High School.
  5. You are a second-year at Yasogami High School.

Second, I decided to take a more active role in shaping the story, choosing Yu's interactions; like the prompt, they will be in bold. I will occasionally use the Undo/Retry feature if the story gets too far off track, to the point of forgetting where it's set or who the characters are.

Once again, I will include footnotes. Without further ado, let's begin.

You are Yu Narukami, a second-year Japanese high school boy. Your parents are working abroad, so they sent you to live with your maternal uncle Ryotaro Dojima in the small town of Inaba, where you will attend Yasogami High School. In the afternoon of Monday, April 11, 2011, you get off the train at your final destination, Yasoinaba Station, which is practically deserted. You see Dojima there, and he is accompanied by his young daughter Nanako, who is a grade schooler. Dojima greets you as you approach.
"Ah, it's good to see you! Still, it's a bit early to be arriving, don't you agree?"
"Yeah.. It's weird though- there are so few people here..."
"Is this your first time in Inaba?"
"Ah, well you'll enjoy the place. I just made a few small changes to the area."
> You say "Is the young girl your daughter?"
While you have been to many places before, you had not visited your uncle's hometown before. Dojima walks ahead of you as you leave the platform. > You say "So are you going to take me back to your house?"
"Yeah, yeah. It's not too far from here."
You walk alongside Dojima for a while, as he seems to know where he's going. Eventually, he stops in one of the wider areas of the town, outside a used bookstore.
"This is my bookstore."(1)
"You have a bookstore?"
"Yeah, I opened it recently. I always wanted to be a novelist, but well... you know..."
"No, I don't."
"Heh, well uh- nevermind."
Dojima looks up at the sky, as it's completely dark already. > You say "We should probably get back to your house."
"Yeah, you're probably right..."
You follow Dojima along the sidewalk, which seems to twist and turn a lot. Eventually, you arrive at a fairly large house, which seems to be made out of bricks. As you step forward from the front gate, a dog runs up to you and begins to bark.(2)
"Be quiet! Be quiet! It's not polite to bark at people!"
You pet the dog, which seems to be a mongrel mix of many different kinds of dogs. > You follow Dojima and Nanako into the house.
Dojima walks past the dog into the house, still talking. You follow him inside. Inside the house seems fairly normal for a family living in their own home. There is a living room with a flat screen tv on the wall. There is a kitchen to the left, and you slowly follow Dojima into that room.
"Ah! Look who decided to join us!"
A woman says to you from the kitchen. She has short blond hair and is dressed in a housecoat.
Dojima seems nervous. > You say "It's been a while, Auntie."
"Yes, it's been awhile. Wow, it's so great to see you! Have a seat at the table, please."
You sit down at the kitchen table, and your auntie proceeds to start cooking. As she's mixing ingredients together in a large bowl, you notice that the table is covered with the bones of different animals.(4)
"What are all these?"
"Oh, just the remains of my cookery experiments."
Cookery experiments? That's odd. Your mother never cooked at all, and certainly didn't do any experiments on it.

"I'll go fetch you a bowl, dear."
Your auntie smiles at you warmly, as she starts boiling water in a kettle.
"So how's school?"
You shrug. > You say "It was going well back home, but I won't start going to Yasogami until tomorrow."(5)
"Ah, I see. How do you like the town so far?"
You shrug again.
"Eh. I dunno. It's all right."

Dojima stands up from the table.
"Listen, I have to go into the office for a bit. I'll be back to eat later, okay?(6)

Dojima leaves the room, and your auntie starts placing bowls of ramen in front of you and her.
"Here you go. I hope you like it."
You eat a few mouthfuls of the noodles, and decide that it's not too bad.
"So, how's your father?"
"He's fine. He works as a vagrant."
"Oh. Well, this is my daughter, Nanako."(7) > You say "Nice to meet you, Nanako."
Nana looks at you, and her eyes seem to flicker a different color. It's a faint green, but it's there.
"It's nice to meet you."
Nana says quietly, staring at her bowl. She seems a bit frightened, and you don't blame her.
Your auntie takes a bite out of her own bowl, and then speaks again.
"Ah, good. It's done."
She stands up and starts to leave the table.
"Why don't you go up to my room, and I'll come get you when it's ready."
You nod, and head upstairs. After climbing up the stairs, you enter your auntie's room. > You say "Is this where I'll be sleeping while I'm staying with you?"
You ask, looking around. Your auntie nods.
"Your duffel bag is by the door, and I have blankets in the closet. There's also some clothes that you can change into."
"Okay. Thank you."
"You're welcome."
A few minutes later, an older man joins you in your auntie's room. He says,"Hi, it's great to see you again!" > You say "Welcome back, Uncle."
Uncle walks over and gives you a hug.
"It's so good to see you! How are you?"
You shrug, and he notices your duffel bag.
"Is that your stuff?"
"Did you have a good trip?"
You shrug again. You're not exactly sure how to act around this guy.
"Oh, come on, I haven't seen you in forever! Let me guess...Gangly? Gruff? Skinny?"
You stare at him for a moment.
"How'd you know?"
"I was just kidding. C'mon, let me take your bag."
He takes your duffel bag and goes to a corner of the room. You haven't seen him go this fast in awhile. Uncle unbuttoned his shirt and takes a long, luxurious bath. How the hell does he find time to do that? He removes his trousers, and sits down to take a bath in his underwear. You always knew he was rich, but you didn't know how rich until now.(8)
He notices you staring, and smiles.
He finishes taking his bath, and gets dressed into something nicer than a duffel bag. Then, he says,
"Now, let's go downstairs, and I'll make you something to eat." > You say "I've had some of Auntie's cooking, thank you. I should probably get to bed early because I have school tomorrow."
Uncle looks a little disappointed.
He says, and then heads out of his room. You follow suit, and head to your bedroom. You change out of your school clothes into some pj's. You lay on your bed, and think about the day ahead of you. After a few minutes, you fall into a fitful sleep.
The next day, you wake up to the same old breakfast: cold cuts and pickles.(9)

"We're out of milk."
You get up and get dressed, and walk to the fridge.
No more than a few minutes after you get there, your auntie hands you a glass with milk.
She says.
You say, and down the milk in the microwave. You put the glass in the sink, and begin to help your auntie with the housework.
"What do you want to do today?" > You say "I have to get going to school soon."
"Well, let's go then."
Uncle says, packing a lunch.
Soon, you're in the car, and heading to school. It's a short drive there, and you arrive right when bell rings.
Classes go by relatively slowly for you. Chemistry was...interesting. Phys Ed wasn't just wish you could actually play soccer without everyone laughing at you. English was okay. The teacher isn't so bad, she just assigns really boring reading.
Your uncle has stopped by the school to drop you off today. You can tell he wants to say more, but he stops himself. You wave at him as the car drives off.
After school, you wait for your uncle to pick you up. You head to the local Burger King(10), because you're too tired to cook tonight. You eat quickly, and then head to bed at around six thirty. You set your alarm for tomorrow morning, and then turn it off.

You drift off to sleep from exhaustion, and wake up at nine(11). You take a shower, since you need to get ready for school. After some time, you walk downstairs to find your uncle.
"Hurry up! We gotta get going!"
He shouts from the kitchen.
"Okay! I'm ready!"
You yell back.
You grab your bag, and head out the door.
You walk to the car, and get in.
"Goodbye, dear!"

He waves as he drives away.

You arrive at the school, and walk To the entrance. There, you find your schoolbag, which you put on. After you give your uncle a look, he nods and starts the car.

For the next few weeks, you continue like this: Going to school, then coming home. Dojima Family's House is always your destination, and then you stay there until the next morning. The days blend into one another, and the only thing that changes is the homework. The subject matter is the same: Math, English, Science, and whatever else your teacher feels like throwing at you. You're not a bad student; you're just not good at some things.
At the end of these three weeks(12), however...well, I'll get to that later. During these three weeks, you pick up the Phone sometimes. There are a few calls from a blocked number. Each of these calls ends in '510', whatever that could mean.
On the last day of classes for this month, it's gym class all over again for you.(13)Your crush, Minako, is also in your class.

"Alright, let's warm up!"
The teacher shouts. Everyone begins to stretch or whatever they have to do, and soon enough it's your turn.
You walk onto the Court, and begin stretching along with everyone else.
"Now, group exercises! You boys can do something for us, can't you?"
The teacher asks.
You look around. Everyone in your Group is looking at you, and you're not sure how to respond.
"Erm, I can dance..."
You say, a bit embarrassed. Everyone in the Group bursts out laughing.
You ask, a bit annoyed.
"Dance? Here? Now?"
You Instructor asks, surprised.
You reply, a bit more annoyed.
"No, I mean, here? With us?"
"I can't! I haven't learned the dance yet! Everyone will look down on me!"
"No, you just have to know the dance! Just show up, and we'll teach you!"
"But everyone will laugh! They'll pick on me!"
"No, they won't!"
"Yes, they..."
"Enough! Just... just show up, alright?"
The teacher says, annoyed. You sigh, and nod. You turn to the Group, a bit annoyed.
"Just do your best, and don't worry about getting embarrassed."
You reply, and head to the back of the Court, and sit down on a bench. After stretching for a bit, you notice someone waving at you from the front of the Court. You look up, and it's Minako.
"Hey, you're the new guy, right?"
She asks. You nod in response.
"I'm Minako. It's nice to meet you."
She smiles. You notice a few other people waving at you as well, so you wave back. Your Group instructor walks over to you.

"Hey, will you guys excuse us for a moment?"
He asks. You nod, and stand up.
"Alright, let me introduce you around." > You say "Yes, please. I'd like to meet everyone here."(15)
"Sure thing, I'll include you!"
The instructor says. You raise an eyebrow, and he sighs.

"Everyone, this is Yu Nar....Naruke."
He says, unsure of how to say your name.
"Hello, I'm Yu Narukami(16)."
You reply, extending your hand.The instructor shakes your hand, surprisingly.
"Okay, I'll let you guys get to know each other."
He says. You wave goodbye, and walk around the Court for a bit. Soon, you see a few familiar faces. Minako is one of them.
"Hey, new guy."
She greets. You thank her, and she puts a hand to your mouth.
"Shhhh! Don't speak too much! They'll know we spoke if we do that!"
She whispers loudly.
"Don't worry, I'll lead the discussion."
She continues. You nod your head, and follow her around the Court. Soon, you know everyone in your Group, and everyone seems to know you. It's all good, though.
Minako says. Everyone waits for you to speak.
"What's the topic of discussion?"
You ask. Everyone looks at Minako, who gulps.
"Erm... We were talking about boys for you..."
She says. You sweat Drop.
"No way!"
You say in protest. Everyone starts laughing, including you. You sweat drop.
"What a dum-dum!"
"Shut it, Minako!"
"Shut it, Yu!"
Everyone laughs, even Minako. You smile, and blush slightly. She nudges you.
"I know, I know....It's just his dumb jokes."
You say. Later on, your instructor comes up to you.
"Hey, are you alright?"
He asks. You nod.
"I'm fine. Did something happen at home?"
You ask. He sighs.
"My sister dumped me. I know it wasn't my fault, but...."
He doesn't finish the sentence. You nod, and try to change the topic.
"So, did you guys go on a trip or something?"
He asks. You frown.
"No. We didn't."
"Well, you should have gone. It's an excellent opportunity."
You hear him say. You sigh, and change the topic again.
"Okay, I guess we'll go now. See ya, new guy."
He says, walking away. You sigh, and walk towards your designated locker. You put your combination in, and open it. You grab your bag, and shove your books inside. You close it, and walk over to the stairs. Everyone else follows you.(17)
"Hey, you know what class is really fun? Drama."
Minako says.
"No way! Those guys are creepy!"
You immediately respond. Everyone agrees, and you walk up the stairs slowly.
"Everyone, the new guy isn't interested, so you can go now."
Your instructor says. You sweat drop. What if they don't leave?
"Y-yes sir!"
Everyone replies.
"Thanks for waiting, new guy."
Minako says. Everyone laughs.
"Bye, new guy!"
You wave, and follow everyone out of the room. You walk down the corridor, and outside. You sit in the front seat of the van, and sit down. You put your bag in your lap, and look out the window as the trees pass by.
"So, what do you wanna be when you grow up?"
Someone asks. You look up to see that it's...Minako.
"A doctor."
You reply. She raises an eyebrow.
"Really? What'll you be doing?"
You think for a moment.
"I guess...reating(sic) people who are sick?"
You reply. She smiles.
"Ahahaha! You're funny."
You never were quite good with jokes. She puts her head against your shoulder.
"I'll be a actress."
You hear her say.
"Really? You're good enough?"
You ask. She nods.
"You'll see when I become one."
She says confidently. You nod, and go back to looking out the window. Soon, you pull into the Dojima house driveway.
"I should get inside."
You say. She nods, and gets up.
"Bye, new guy!"
She says, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. You blush, and wave as she gets out of the car. Everyone else also gets out. You get out of the car, and walk inside.
"You're home early." > You say "Hello, Auntie."(19)
You say. She turns to you, and smiles.
"Hello, Yuu."
She says. You give a small smile in response.
"A-are you mad?"
You ask, concerned. She smiles.
"Mad? Why would I be mad?"
She asks. You shrug, and walk into the kitchen.
"I tried to call you two days ago."
You say, looking at her. She sighs, shaking her head.
"I was too busy making lunch for your uncle to notice my phone. What did you do while I was away?"
She asks. You shrug, and open the fridge door.
"nothing much."
You reply. You grab a orange from the fridge, and begin peeling it.
"Didn't do anything."
You hear; you don't reply. You grab a knife from the counter, and begin to carve the orange. You wait for a moment, before you see a small drop of juice fall out of the orange. You put the knife back onto the counter, and turn to face your aunt.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
You ask. She frowns a bit, thinking.
"I dunno, what do you want to be?"
She replies. You shrug, peeling the orange.
"I don't know."
You say. She raises an eyebrow, and grabs the knife from your hand.
"Stop doing that."
She says, pointing the knife at you. You blush, and she laughs.
"Alright, I'll cut the orange for you."
She says. You nod, and turn to the orange.
You reply quietly. You hear her sigh, and you quickly look at her. She's fighting back tears.
"What's wrong?"
You ask. She bites her lip, and fights back tears once more.
"I-I don't want to spoil your trip...but..."
She begins. You grab her hand.
"It's alright, it's alright. Just tell me."
You say. She sighs once more, and begins to tell you the news.

> You say "Who's Rita?"
You ask. She pauses, and frowns a bit.
"My sister."
She says. You pause, confused.
"Your sister? But I thought you guys were twins."
You say. She smiles at your response.
"We are. But, we're only half siblings. My father had an affair with her mother."
You pause, thinking of a response.
You say. You pause, trying to think of a question to ask.
"Do you speak with her often?"
You ask. She shakes her head.
"No. As the years went by, we grew further and further apart. By the time she died...I don't even know if she knew I existed."
She replies. You nod, and think of another question.
"What happened to her mother?"
You ask. She pauses once more, and frowns.
"She died in a car crash."
She says. You pause, and think of another question.
"Do you miss her?"
You ask. She sighs, smiling.
"Yeah... sometimes. But, she wouldn't want to see me suffering like this." She says. You nod in agreement.
"My mother..."
You ask after a while, "Do you think she still misses Dad?"
You ask. She pauses once more, thinking.
"I don't know...time changes people, you know? Depending on what they experience and see, they change as time passes. I still miss her sometimes..."
She says. You nod in agreement once more.
"Do you want to eat the rest of the orange?"
She asks after a moment. You nod, and she slices the orange in half, giving you a piece. You happily eat it.
After a while, she asks you if you want to go outside. You nod in response, and follow her outside.
As you sit on the swings, you ask her one more question.
"A-And I you think Dad misses me?"
You ask. She thinks for a moment.
"I don't know, Yu. I really don't."
She says. You bite your lip, nodding slowly.
"It's alright, Yu. You don't have to worry about that."
She says, patting your shoulder. You nod, and continue to swing back and forth.
You sit in silence for a moment, before she speaks again.
"Do you want to go home?"
She asks. > You say "Back to my parents' house? To be honest, I am looking forward to when I go back there in March."(21) She nods.
"I understand. It's alright to miss them...but, you should look forward to being with me now. I'll make everything okay."
She says. You nod, smiling.

"I know I will."
You reply. She smiles, leaning into you.
"You'll always be my angel, Yu."
She says. You blush, and immediately open your mouth to reply.
"I want to be with you forever and ever."
You reply. She giggles, and the two of you sit in silence for a while.
"Do you want to hold hands?"
She asks.
You smile, holding out your hand. She grabs it, and interlocks her fingers with yours.
"Forever and ever..."
She repeats.
You nod, as the two of you sit in the swing, holding hands, and just enjoying each other's company.
The sun sets, as night rapidly approaches.
"I'm really sorry about everything that happened, Yu. And thanks for listening to me."
She says.
You nod.
"Let's go inside."
You say, standing. She nods, and the two of you walk back inside.
She sits at her desk, while you lay in your bed, staring at the ceiling. You hear the door close, and you turn your head to look at her.
"I love you."
She says, before walking over to the bed.
You lie in your bed, staring at the ceiling.
"I know."
You reply. You don't know if it'll make her feel better, or if it'll make you feel better, but you just need to say it.
"I just don't want you to ever hurt like I did."
You reply. She bites her lip, before sitting next to you.
"Don't worry about it. It's in the past."
She replies. You sigh, and look at your phone, which reads 2:30 a.m.
"Can we just sleep now?"
You yawn. She nods, pulling the covers up on your bed.
"Good night, Yu."
"Good night, Minami."(22)
You reply, as you hear her lay down in her bed. You stare at the ceiling, before your eyes slowly close.
Everything was quiet for the next few days. Your family never contacted you, so you assumed they were mad at you. You didn't really care, as spending time with Minami made up for it.
She was overjoyed when you found out that you could go back to your house, and the two of you spent as much quality time as possible before the day arrived.
However, as soon as the day did arrive, you started to feel nervous. You weren't sure if you were going to be able to go through with it. What if your parents wouldn't let you in? What if you were so mad at you that you never wanted to see you ever again?
You take a deep breath, and shake off such thoughts. You have to do this, for both of your sakes.
You get up, and walk to the front door. You pause there for a moment, looking at Minami.
"I gotta do this."
You whisper. She nods, still sleeping. You nod, and open the front door, walking outside.
The cool Spring air hits your face, and you take a deep breath, breathing in the fresh, Spring air. You close your eyes, and exhale. Then, you start walking.

You walk down the road, before you reach your old house. You pause there, and take a deep breath.

You don't know what you'll do if your parents aren't home. Maybe you'll just turn around and go back.

No. You have to go through with this. They have to accept you for who you are.
You reach the front door, and pause. You feel nervous, unsure of what to do. Should you ring the doorbell, or just go in? > You ring the doorbell.
You reach down, and ring the doorbell. You take a deep breath, and wait.
After a few minutes, you hear footsteps, and the door beeps open.

You hear your mom say, as you see her silhouette in the doorway.
"I-I'm sorry for...for everything..."
You apologize, lowering your head.
"Get out of here."(23)
You hear her say, as you feel a fist to the face, knocking you to the ground.
You try to stand, and groggily get back up. You look at the door, and see your parents' silhouettes in the doorway, watching you.
You sigh, before walking away. They might not approve of who you like, but they'll still love you.
You continue on, as the trip back to Minami's house takes about an hour. The day is cloudy, with a few drops of rain falling. You look up at the sky, and spot a single star in the distance.
You smile briefly, feeling a sense of hope. It might not be much, but it's something.
You reach the corner, and pause. You look both ways. There's no one around.
"This is a bad idea."
You mutter to yourself, as you step out into the intersection.
"I wish..."
You whisper to yourself, as you feel raindrops on your face.
You pause, taking a deep breath.
"I had the courage to do this."
You exhale shakily, before raising your hand and flipping open your phone. You open the new iMessage app, and start to type.
"Someone... Send me a message."
You wait for a few seconds, as the rain intenshes. Then, you send the message.
Then, you go back to waiting. After several minutes, the iMessage app starts beeping. Then, a new message appears.
You stare at it with bated breath, waiting for it to end. You don't have long to wait, as you read the message.
"I'm going to send a message. Don't read or do anything until then. It'll be over soon."
You nod, and look up at the sky. How many stars are there? How many constellations do you know your name?
How many people have ever existed?
How many will ever exist?
A single drop of rain hits your nose. Then, another. Then, they start falling from the sky.
"I'm so sorry."
You hear a voice whisper in your ear. It's quiet, but you can hear the tears in it.
"I wish I could take away your pain."
A single tear trickles down your cheek.
"I wish I could make you feel better."
The rain keeps falling. So do the tears in your eyes.
You're cold. You're so, so cold.
"I'm sorry..."
You whisper to the sky. The rain stops. The clouds break. The sun comes out from behind the clouds. The stars disappear as the sun rises.
You stand in the light, on the edge of a road.
You look to your left.(24) Down the road, you can see the neon lights of the city.

You look to your right. There's no one around.
You take a deep breath. Then, you start running in one direction or another.
You don't know where you're going. All you know is that you have to get away. You have to leave everything behind.
You look back once, as you start to run.
You whisper to yourself, as you put your phone in your pocket and keep running.
You keep. Running. Until your legs can't any longer. Until you faint from exhaustion. Until you can't run anymore. Until you lie, half-dying, in the street.
You don't know how long you've been lying here. All you know is that the world has gone black. All you see are white lights flashing in front of you.

You whisper once more, as the world goes quiet.
NOTE: This story was written for the #200Mondays writing challenge. The prompt was "Heart".(25)

1)While Inaba has a bookstore that sells stat improving books, Dojima is a police detective in canon.

2)The Dojimas don't own a dog in canon.

3)I'm not sure who said "Mom" here, but I assumed that it's Nanako. Of course, Nanako's mother is dead in canon.

4)Don't ask.

5)I had to make a couple retries before it got to something that didn't sond too odd. One discarded attempt had Chisato glare at Dojima.

6)I used Retry to eliminate a part in which Yu claimed he'd been to multiple places in Inaba. Shortly thereafter, I used it to also redo a part in which Dojima, a man who is, at minimum, in his late twenties, is called a "boy."

7)I used Alter to rename "Auntie" to "Nanako", otherwise Yu's aunt would be introducing herself as her own daughter.

8)Dojima has a decently sized house for a Japanese family, but he isn't rich by any stretch of the imagination.

9)I used Alter because the first time the AI generated text, it skipped over several days.

10)In Inaba, people primarily eat at Aiya(a Chinese place) or the Junes food court. No burger places exist in the town.

11)In virtually any school, that would be late, but that's neither here nor there.

12)This isn't really a footnote, but I made note of the "three weeks later remark" for my and the reader's reference.

13)At this point, I had to choose between this prompt and Yu telling the caller to "go die" before declining to go see fireworks with his classmate Kaori. Not only does the one I chose seem to follow up on the "three weeks" part in 12, but May is hardly fireworks season.

14)I used Retry when the gym teacher called Yu "Aoka."

15)While I input text less often after the story started going in its own direction, the AI got stuck here, so I decided to have Yu say something to get it out of the rut. I used Retry when Dojima suddenly showed up and got so impressed over Yu saying "yes, please," that he decided to tell his sister.

16)I used Alter to add Yu's real name.

17)I used Undo when Dojima suddenly showed up at school.

18)I used Retry when Yu's mother and sister greeted him.

19)I had a bit of trouble with this segment, since Yu's parents tended to greet him.

20)I used Retry a few times until Yu's aunt gave some bad news. Incidentally, I often notice the name Rita coming up in AI Dungeon.

21)I decided to have Yu say this to keep the conversation on track. The AI sometimes forgot that Yu staying with his uncle(and aunt) isn't something that will last a couple days, but an entire year.

22)Apparently, the name of Yu's aunt.

23)This was a rather surprising development, but I decided to run with it after I got this on the first attempt.

24)At this point, I knew the story was coming to a close, and used Retry to nudge it toward the end.

25)Yes, the AI generated this text, too. Apparently, it not only tries to imitate stories, but make it seem as though they were posted online.


I ended up with a somewhat more coherent narrative this time, although I struck a balance between guiding the narrative and letting the AI do whatever it wants. On the one hand, I had to step in whenever the AI forgot Yu's name or gender(for example, he once said he wanted to be a housewife), as well as that he wasn't living with his parents. On the other hand, it was interesting to see some of the AI's choices, such as forgetting about Nanako almost immediately. I will likely continue to experiment with AI Dungeon, since it's always fun to see what comes out.


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