A Defense of Makoto's Confidant in Persona 5

This blog entry contains Persona 5 spoilers

While Makoto Niijima of Persona 5 is a popular character, many people criticize her Confidant for wasting time on her new friend Eiko that could have been used to better develop Makoto. To that, I respond by saying that Eiko works well as a foil to Makoto and as someone who forces Makoto to question her own choices, and will provide a synopsis and analysis of her Confidant.

Rank 1

Unlike some Phantom Thief Confidants(Morgana, Ryuji, Ann, Futaba, Kasumi), the Rank 1 event is optional, rather than an automatic storyline event.

In order to access this event, you need Rank 3 Knowledge, since Makoto wants to make sure that you're keeping up with your schoolwork. It isn't too hard to get that high by this point in the game, since while Knowledge requires the most points to rank up, it's also the easiest to get points in, since you can get some without spending free time. While the requirement is for Rank 3 out of 5, the first two rank-ups are easier to get than the last two.

Makoto confesses that she's always thought of herself as a good honor student, but after Shiho attempted suicide and many Shujin students ended up falling prey to Kaneshiro's mafia, she realized she was useless in situations like these. She seeks to better herself, starting by learning more about her peers.

She asks Joker to take her somewhere, and the correct choice is the arcade. Makoto enjoys playing the light gun game, and believes that this experience, as well as learning more about her peers, will make her a more effective Phantom Thief.

At this point, the scene cuts back to Makoto's sister Sae, who shares her theory about how Joker learned a certain skill or acquired a specific resource through a specific person's help- in this case, that Makoto helped Joker analyze his foes to evade capture. The Priestess Confidant(formally known as High Priestess, or La Papesse in Persona 5) is officially established. Makoto then asks Joker to come to Shinjuku to verify rumors of a Shujin student 

This Confidant starts off similar to Yukiko's Social Link(more specifically, the latter's optional portion) in some ways, particularly in that it begins with the character identifying the problem and taking steps to address it.

Rank 2

Makoto takes Joker to Shinjuku. If you do this event on a school day, she will ask Joker to change out of his uniform first, like Joker and Ryuji do when meeting journalist Ichiko Ohya there (Ryuji gets in trouble when a police officer recognizes his uniform trousers).

Makoto gives some exposition about how Shinjuku is the biggest red-light district in all of Asia, and that it used to be a hotbed of crime before surveillance cameras were added and the police presence increased, although those measures only drove the criminal elements underground. Makoto then mentions that her father, a police officer, was her source of information about all this. Makoto ends up attracting some unwanted attention from men while in Shinjuku, but Joker helps take her to safety.

Makoto spots the student going into a salon and recognizes her as a yearmate and former classmate of hers. Makoto then says she plans on meeting with the student, and asks Joker to come with her.

Rank 3

Makoto summons the classmate in question, whose name is Eiko Takao, to the student council room, with Joker as a witness. She questions Eiko about her salon job, but Eiko insists that there's nothing abnormal about her job, which she does for extra spending money.

After briefly getting distracted by Eiko assuming Joker is her boyfriend, Makoto questions Eiko about her job at the salon, only for Eiko to remark that Makoto has a Buchimaru-kun pencil case, and that she'd thought Makoto was "a robot." Eiko offers to trade contact information with Makoto.

Makoto's disheartened by Eiko thinking of her as a robot, since she believes that shows she hasn't changed as much as she thought. She responds best to being told that she can change, although her reaction to "Beep Boop" is rather funny. In the end, Makoto decides to try to reach out to Eiko in the hopes that an acquaintance who's different from her will help her broaden her horizon.

Rank 4

Makoto is depressed over her latest mock exam results, which are significantly lower than before, as she's begun questioning the point of doing well in school. She asks Eiko about it, but Eiko doesn't have an answer, either.

Incidentally, while Makoto formally addressed Eiko as "Takao-san" (roughly equivalent to "Miss Takao") in the previous event, she now calls her "Eiko," signifying that the two girls have started to see each other as friends, since they've been corresponding offscreen. One weakness to the Confidant's focus on Makoto's friendship with Eiko is that many of their interactions take place offscreen, making it difficult to become invested in the bond between them.

Back to Eiko. Eiko asked Makoto how going to a top university will benefit her, and Eiko remarked that she'll take advantage of her parents' connections to get her a job. Makoto remarks that this attitude strikes her as irresponsible, and it doesn't exactly endear her to many players.

Nevertheless, Makoto concedes that at minimum, Eiko has more of a plan for the future than she does, since Makoto had planned on following her sister's example and majoring in law until she joined the Phantom Thieves.

Eiko texts Makoto about skin lotion, and is rather amused at how Makoto uses her father's brand of skin lotion. Makoto brings up how her father was a police officer, a man with a strong sense of justice and a gentle heart. Makoto had once wanted to emulate her father, although he'd discouraged her from pursuing such a dangerous profession, and while she appreciates being told that it's a good goal, she can't pursue it now.

Rank 5

Makoto brings up Eiko again and mentions that Eiko is dating a host from work named Tsukasa, and that she's completely infatuated with him. Makoto's obviously suspicious of the host, especially since he calls her "princess," and appreciates it if Joker  agrees, but says she hasn't been able to convince Eiko yet. Eiko refuses to trust Makoto's judgment, since according to Eiko, Makoto would flunk a test about love, resulting in Makoto getting comically indignant.

Makoto admits she has no proof about Tsukasa, then makes a proposal- to have Joker pose as her boyfriend and go on a double date with her so she can get a chance to see Tsukasa and Eiko will be more likely to listen to her.

Rank 6

The double date takes place in this event, and in order to take Makoto out, your Charm must be maxed out. This is likely to be the first time a Confidant event is gated and requires maxing out a stat. Compare the other four:

  • Sojiro's Rank 7 event requires maximum Kindness, but the latter half of his Confidant is unavailable until August.

  • Iwai's Rank 7 requires maximum Guts, but that's less onerous than the requirement for Rank 4 Guts to start his Confidant(which is first available in May.)

  • Haru's Confidant requires maximum Proficiency to reach Rank 2(Rank 5 in Royal), but since it opens up at the end of October, you're likely to have maxed it out by then.

  • Hifumi's Confidant requires maximum Knowledge for her Mementos request, which is between Rank 7 and 8. 

Tsukasa immediately notices that Makoto and Joker are faking being an item, although it's possible to give an evasive answer.

When Eiko goes to the bathroom, Makoto takes the opportunity to question Tsukasa about how serious he is about Eiko, but Tsukasa insists he's on the level. He then asks for Makoto's contact information (but is decidedly uninterested in Joker's, if you choose to offer it to him), and when Makoto is hesitant to give it to him, reveals he already got it from Eiko. After insisting that he won't bring Eiko to his club, Tsukasa leaves for work and Eiko follows him.

Makoto is understandably suspicious of Tsukasa but still doesn't have any proof, so she wonders if she's worrying about nothing. That said,  Makoto realizes that her father taught her to trust her hunches.

Makoto gets a text from Tsukasa that is full of emojis, which she struggles to comprehend, then thanks Jokerfor being there for her.

Rank 7

Makoto takes Joker back to the student council room, and reports that Tsukasa has been regularly texting her. Makoto's hesitant to tell Eiko unless Tsukasa tries to cheat on Eiko, and notes that for now, it seems relatively innocuous.

Makoto starts to wonder if Tsukasa really is serious about Eiko. This is a nice step for her, since it shows that while Makoto previously followed adult authority figures like the principal and her sister without question- even her goal of becoming a police officer was out of a desire to emulate her father- she's starting to think for herself and question her assumptions.

Makoto acknowledges that the idea of a host who preys on women sounds like it came from television, but notes that such people do exist in reality. Makoto's father was going after one such operation when he was hit by a truck and killed. It seems like an accident at first glance, but Officer Niijima's supervisor told Sae that a gang probably hired the driver who killed Makoto's father, since they found drugs in the driver's bloodstream.(Incidentally, the localization refers to the organization that killed Makoto's father as a "gang," Kaneshiro's group as the "mafia," and Iwai's old organization as the "yakuza," which makes me suspect the localization is inconsistent).

Officer Niijima's death was not in vain, as the criminal organization was pushed back into the shadows thanks to his efforts. Makoto admires her father and wants to be more like him, and believes that Sae became a prosecutor for the same reason. Unfotunately, Sae has become bitter and cynical, since her father's death resulted in her being forced to look after Makoto. While Makoto was often lonely due to how much time her father spent pursuing cases, she found his lifestyle admirable.

To Officer Niijima, "'the most important part of your life is how you choose to live it," which is the central theme of this Confidant. Makoto admits she's grappling with the question, but can still change her path going forward. She doesn't often talk about her father, but is comfortable doing so with Joker.

Makoto changes the subject back to Eiko, and gets a text asking her about her relationship with Joker and if Joker and Makoto can do a double wedding with her and Tsukasa. Makoto favorably responds to "I'm game if you are," but also, "Refuse her, please."

Rank 8

Joker and Makoto meet Eiko in Big Bang Burger, where Eiko asks Makoto to loan her some money. Makoto immediately realizes that this is because of Tsukasa, and Eiko mentions that Tsukasa has to pay for a bottle of sake he dropped at work. Makoto recognizes that Tsukasa is making his move, and insists that Eiko not give him any money.

Eiko, however, is unwilling to believe Makoto, claiming that him calling her "princess" is a term of affection, rather than a way to avoid having to learn his marks' names. Eiko fires back that Makoto doesn't have any proof, and Makoto admits that she doesn't, but when she asks Eiko about whether she asked the club about the sake bottle, Eiko stammers, then makes an excuse about Tsukasa being too proud to ask others for money, hence why he told Eiko not to ask about it.

Makoto asks Eiko to break up with Tsukasa, but Eiko notes that he got Eiko a job, one she can do after college. Makoto tries to get Eiko to see that she's wrong, but Eiko claims that Makoto is a smart person who can't understand her struggles, showing that she doesn't understand Makoto very well.

Makoto, faced with no other choice, then brings up the fact that Tsukasa was texting her, and Eiko takes it as poorly as possible, assuming that Makoto wants to steal Tsukasa away.

After Eiko leaves, Makoto mentions Eiko's family background. Her parents mostly ignore her in favor of her more talented younger brother, making her a prime target for Tsukasa. It might have been good to actually show this, rather than tell about it, and/or to establish this earlier in the Confidant.  It's this scene that causes many people to give up on sympathizing with Eiko, and you have the chance to vent your frustrations by saying she deserves Tsukasa.

Nevertheless, this is a significant step for Makoto. Despite having learned to question her assumptions, she regains the confidence to trust her own conclusions, and realize that being an honor student with good grades is a good thing.

Rank 9

Joker and Makoto return to Shinjuku. A brief interactive segment follows in which you question promoters until you find one who knows about Tsukasa's modus operandi, and says a friend of his fell victim before.

Makoto sees Eiko, who's still angry about last time, then lays out what Tsukasa is planning to do to her and how, but Eiko still refuses to listen. Tsukasa shows up late, having supposedly gotten a text from Eiko, and Eiko asks him about what Makoto said, but he denies it. Makoto then calls Tsukasa out on his use of the "princess" nickname, and Eiko demands an answer. Tsukasa finally slips up when he tells Eiko, "I could never forget you, Makoto."

Makoto reveals that she tricked Tsukasa by sending him a text in Eiko's style claiming that she'll be late, thereby making Tsukasa think that the ditzy girl who uses slang and emojis is named Makoto.

Eiko still refuses to accept this, and angrily curses out Makoto. Makoto then slaps Eiko, and tells her that she already knows the truth and doesn't want to admit it. Eiko doesn't deny what Makoto's saying, but claims Tsukasa is the only one who treats her like she's special, and reiterates that Makoto being an honor student means she doesn't understand what her life is like. Makoto reiterates that the "honor student" part is irrelevant, and that she won't stand by and watch as her friend's life is ruined.

Makoto demands that Tsukasa stay away, and while Tsukasa threatens to hurt Makoto, she stands her ground, possibly with Joker help, and forces him to flee. Eiko runs off in a fit of anger, and Joker and Makoto go to Crossroads(the bar where you met Ohya, and the setting for her Devil Confidant).

Makoto calms down and admits that she flew off the handle there. She admits that she and her father can be hotheaded, which is why they have to keep themselves composed. Makoto also acknowledges that she never would have gone to a place like this if she'd kept her head buried in a book, and thanks you for introducing her.

The game gives you your first and only opportunity to enter into a relationship with Makoto.

Rank 10

In Big Bang Burger(or your room if you're romancing Makoto), Makoto mentions that she and Eiko made up, since Eiko had some idea of Tsukasa's true character but didn't want to admit it. Makoto then announces that Eiko is taking her studies seriously from here on out, and has quit her job.

It might have been better if Eiko's apology had been shown onscreen, and the latter half had been devoted to the conclusion of the Confidant, since it's possible to add another scene to the end of the Confidant. In Ann's Confidant, her final encounter with Mika takes place regardless of whether you romanced her, and the second half takes place on the Ferris wheel if you romanced her and in the diner if you didn't. Even in Persona 4, if you romance Yumi, with the option becoming available at the very end of the Confidant, she will then go home with you and spend time in your room.

Incidentally, the anime not only omitted the argument with Makoto in Rank 8, but also added a bit of dialogue in which Makoto appealed to Eiko. Eiko also posted Tsukasa on the Phan-Site, resulting in the Phantom Thieves going to Mementos to take him down, although not everyone would appreciate having to clear another Mementos request to finish Makoto's Confidant.

Makoto is also rededicating herself to her studies. Her goal is to become police commissioner to reform the system, continuing her father's work, and that requires an academic background, so she promises to excel in her studies for the sake of her goal, not to impress anyone. Like with other party member Confidants, her Persona then evolves into a mythological trickster- Anat.

The confidant then concludes with Makoto resolving to do her utmost to help you as a friend, or having a "study session" (presumably anything from making out to sex) as a lover.


Some people see this Confidant as poorly written, mainly by virtue of Eiko, but that isn't entirely fair.

On the one hand, it's understandable that people don't like Eiko. Much of their friendship happens offscreen, and while Makoto seems to enjoy Eiko's company, Eiko doesn't do anything special for her. As such, more than a few people lose patience with Eiko and consider her rather ungrateful toward Makoto.

However, Eiko makes a good foil to Makoto in several ways.

  • Makoto is at the top of her class, whereas Eiko has poor grades.
  • Makoto and her sister are orphans, whereas Eiko relies on her family's support.
  • Makoto admired her father even if she never knew her mother, whereas Eiko's parents provide for her but ignore her.
  • Makoto feels lost and doesn't have a vision for her future, whereas Eiko has a goal of her own.
  • Makoto has a healthy relationship of trust with Joker, whereas Eiko seeks out Tsukasa for emotional support and ends up being exploited.

The Confidant also does a good job at hinting at Makoto's father's character, especially the ways Makoto takes after him. While it's obvious that Officer Niijima can't be shown, due to him having died three years ago, he comes off as a relatively fascinating character for one whose only actions are described second-hand.

Makoto also effectively develops over the course of the Confidant. As I stated in Rank 7, Makoto had blindly followed authority figures in the past, but begins to learn how to think for herself and question her assumptions. A bit like Yukiko from Persona 4, she regains the passion she once had for a childhood career goal. In the end, the Confidant is about how you want to live your life, and both Makoto and Eiko find their answers.

I also like the romance between Makoto and Joker. Apart from Eiko obviously shipping them, and the part in which they pretend to be in a relationship, the two show rather good chemistry with each other, especially considering how Makoto gradually comes to trust Joker with her vulnerabilities and painful memories. The relationship is far from love at first sight- Makoto initially pays no attention to Joker, then spends a month and a half investigating him prior to their cooperation against Kaneshiro- but gradually develops over time. While Makoto flatly denies being in a relationship with Joker at Rank 3, and does a poor job at pretending to be his boyfriend at Rank 6(albeit by Tsukasa's standards), she actually seems interested in Rank 7. 


I will admit that Makoto's Confidant has some flaws, such as trying to balance the Eiko subplot with Makoto's own backstory, and would have benefited from being longer and showing Eiko more. Nevertheless, it still remains a well-written and thematically strong Confidant that shows Makoto's development, and Eiko works well as a tool for that end. As such, it may not be the strongest Confidant/Social Link, but it's far better than many give it credit for.


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