Game of Thrones' Ending as written by an AI

I decided to use AI Dungeon to rewrite the scene in which Bran is chosen as King of Westeros. Here's what I got.

You are Tyrion Lannister. You once served House Lannister, but after being falsely convicted of killing your nephew Joffrey Baratheon, you went on the run and joined Daenerys Targaryen, your family's enemy, on her quest to reclaim the Iron Throne.

Unfortunately, Daenerys went mad and you had to betray her, freeing your brother Jaime Lannister, who died saving your sister and the queen Cersei Lannister. For that, you were imprisoned, and were to be executed, but Daenerys' lover Jon Snow stabbed her and killed her. Now, you are brought before an assembly of the lords of the Seven Kingdoms- Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Edmure Tully, Yara Greyjoy, Robin Arryn, Samwell Tarly and Grey Worm- as they decide your fate and who will rule the Seven Kingdoms. The lords have been gathering in the ancient city of King's Landing, the seat of House Targaryen, the kingdom that you currently rule. You have but one ally: Bronn, a former squire who turned to crime and became one of the most successful sellswords in the Seven Kingdoms. Together, you plan to take your rightful place as the king of the Seven Kingdoms. However, the lords are not your only enemies... The smallfolk have risen against the nobility in open rebellion. Led by a man called Barrow, they have taken up weapons and joined together in an army to fight for a better life. They see you as a villain who destroyed their homeland and killed their loved ones, and who will do the same to them if they rise up. You need to do something to stop them, and fast. The lords have surrounded the great pyramid of Meereen, a city in a sea of poverty and despair, where you were once a wealthy merchant. You have been brought here against your will, but you have no choice now. A group of high-ranking lords surround the pyramid, led by the King of Dorne, a pale man with the face of a great eagle. "Well, well, well. Look who's here." This was your old friend, an honorable man you once served. He was on his best behavior today, however. He did not insult you, and instead of executing you, he will allow you to watch the punishment of your enemies. The lords all look to you, awaiting your orders. Do you want to stop them from killing all the smallfolk? Do you want to see the death of hundreds of thousands of people? Do you want to watch the destruction of your homeland, your family's homeland? No... "Kill them all." Your voice comes out as a hoarse whisper, but they all hear you. The lords look at each other, at you, at the smallfolk all around them. Then, without hesitation, they begin to kill. It does not take long for the fighting to begin. In a few minutes, it will be all over. There is nothing you can do. There is no way for you to stop it. You watch as your family is slaughtered, as the woman you once loved is hacked to pieces. You watch as your homeland burns. This is how your story ends. THE END You can stop the story right here, if you want. You don't have to keep reading. You can just close this page right now and forget about this story. It doesn't matter.


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