Game of Thrones' Ending As Written By An AI Take 2

Here's my second attempt at doing an AI generated Game of Thrones ending. This time, the AI wasn't at its best, and tended to be repetitive and incoherent, albeit amusingly so. Imagine if, instead of deciding the fate of the Seven Kingdoms while on trial for treason, Tyrion started killing people, including those who have been dead for seasons.

You are Tyrion Lannister. You once served House Lannister, but after being falsely convicted of killing your nephew Joffrey Baratheon, you went on the run and joined Daenerys Targaryen, your family's enemy, on her quest to reclaim the Iron Throne.

Unfortunately, Daenerys went mad and you had to betray her, freeing your brother Jaime Lannister, who died saving your sister and the queen Cersei Lannister. For that, you were imprisoned, and were to be executed, but Daenerys' lover Jon Snow stabbed her and killed her.

Now, you are brought before an assembly of the lords of the Seven Kingdoms- Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Edmure Tully, Yara Greyjoy, Robin Arryn, Samwell Tarly and Grey Worm- as they decide your fate and who will rule the Seven Kingdoms. You look at the group of heroes and begin to laugh.

Lord: What's so funny?

Tyrion: If you were brought here by a raven, you must be pretty desperate.

Lord: Desperate? We're not the ones who are about to be executed!

Tyrion: You're not?

Lord: No.

Tyrion: Well, then it's a shame you didn't bring a better offer.

Lord: I- I'm sorry. What did you have in mind?

Tyrion: What do you think would be a fitting punishment for the lords who have the queen executed?

Lord: That's for me to decide.

Tyrion: I thought so.

To your left, you notice a man with a wooden leg. He looks at you and whispers.

Wooden Leg: The Imp is right. We are the ones who will get away with this.

Tyrion: I thought you'd see it my way.

Lord: You're a monster. A murderous monster.

Tyrion: You are wrong. I killed Joffrey. You killed your son. Now, I will kill you.

Tyrion stabs Lord Eddard in the neck, killing him.

You turn to the next lord.

Tyrion: Now, I think you'll find this punishment fitting.

Lord: Tyrion, I'm not going to let you do this.

Tyrion: I don't want to hurt you. I only want you to kneel.

Lord: What?!

Tyrion: Kneel, and you can live. You can have your honor back.

Lord: My honor? I'm not talking about my honor. I'm talking about the queen.

Tyrion: She'll be fine. I killed Joffrey. I'm not going to kill you too.

Lord: How do I know you're not lying?

Tyrion: How do you think? You don't. You're a smart man, Lord Varys(FN1). Maybe you realize that, for every lie I tell you, I tell you something that's true. It's a good thing for you I have a soft spot for cripples.(FN2)

To your left, a young boy with a wooden hand steps forward.

Tyrion: I love children.

Lord: You sick bastard!

Tyrion: I'm nothing but love, my lord.

Wooden Leg: He's going to kill us all.

To your right, a woman clad in armor steps forward.(FN3)

Tyrion: My queen, look at you. You're no longer the radiant queen who swept into the capital on a wave of dragons and heroes. You're a battered woman, in rags, who killed your husband. You don't deserve to be the queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

He steps forward and drives his sword into Lord Varys' chest.

Tyrion: You can still be the queen. Become her.

Wooden Leg: You want us to kneel to become you?

To your left, a man clad in armor steps forward.

Tyrion: Lord Renly, you were my friend.

Renly: (sigh) You were the closest thing I had to one. (he kneels)

Tyrion: You can still be king.

Lord Renly: You're wrong, you know. I'm not you.

Tyrion: No, you're not.

To your left, a woman clad in armor steps forward.

Tyrion: Lady Catelyn, you stood by your husband in his dying days.

Catelyn: I did. I did what I had to.

Tyrion: You still have a choice.

Lady Catelyn: I know.

Tyrion: Kneel with us, and we'll let you live.

Catelyn: You'll let us live?

Tyrion: We will.

Catelyn: I don't want to kneel. I want to die like my husband and my son did.

Tyrion: As you wish.(FN4)

To your right, a man clad in armor steps forward.

Tyrion: Lord Eddard(FN5), my friend.

Eddard: (sigh) Please. (he kneels)

Tyrion: We're going to let you live. (he raises his sword) I'm going to let you live, because I know you don't want to die.

Eddard: I do.

Tyrion: You're a good man. A great man.

Eddard: (he sighs) Please, I beg you. Please.

Tyrion: (he raises his sword) I'll let you live if you kneel.

Eddard: (he sighs) I'm sorry, my lord.

Tyrion: (he brings the sword down)

The sword cleaves Lord Eddard in half.(FN6)

You turn to the next lord.

Tyrion: Now, my queen, we're going to do the same to you.

To your left, you notice a man clad in armor.

Tyrion: Lord Walder, you were a good friend.

Walder: (he sighs) Please. (he kneels)

Tyrion: (he raises his sword)

He brings the sword down, cutting the King's head clean off.

You turn to the next lord.

Tyrion: My queen, I'm going to let you live. You can kneel, and you can be the queen again.

To your left, a woman clad in armor steps forward.

Tyrion: Lady Catelyn, you were a great lady.(FN7)

Catelyn: (she sighs) Please.

Tyrion: You can be the lady you once were. Kneel, and you can still be a lady.

Catelyn: (she sighs) I don't want to kneel.

Tyrion: You can still be a lady.

Catelyn: No. I want to die like my son and my husband did.

Tyrion: As you wish.

To your right, a man clad in armor steps forward.

Tyrion: Lord Jon, you were a good man.

Jon: (he sighs) Please. (he kneels)

Tyrion: (he raises his sword)

He brings it down, cutting off Jon's head.

You turn to the next lord.

Tyrion: My queen, kneel, or you'll die.

To your left, you notice a man clad in armor.

Tyrion: Lord Eddard, you were a great friend.(FN8)

Eddard: (he sighs) Please. (he kneels)

Tyrion: (he raises his sword)

He brings it down, cutting Eddard's head clean off.(FN9)


  1. Strangely, the AI decides the "Lord" has a name even though he didn't before.
  2. This appears to be an abridged reference to how Tyrion says he has "a soft spot for cripples, bastards and broken things." 
  3. While Tyrion often speaks to the queen, she never replies.
  4. Oddly enough, Tyrion doesn't actually kill Catelyn.
  5. Despite having been killed before, Ned's back.
  6. And now Ned's dead again.
  7. The AI's starting to repeat itself, as you can see a retread of Catelyn's scene.
  8. Now comes Ned's third death scene
  9. At this point, the AI gave empty outputs, so I gave up.


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