Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc As Told By An AI

Below is a retelling of the first Danganronpa game, through AI Dungeon.

You are Makoto Naegi, a Japanese high school student. You were selected to attend Hope's Peak Academy as the "Ultimate Lucky Student" among Japan's most talented high schoolers. You're a little nervous about it, but you eagerly attend.

Your last memory is of you walking through the school gates, at which point, everything else is a blur.

You wake up in a classroom inside the school. As you rise from your desk, you take a look around and examine your surroundings. The room is a mess. A girl walks in through the double doors, slamming it shut behind her.

You hear her yell, "I found him! I found the ultimate lucky student!" You can't see who she's talking about, but you assume it's you. You can't wait to see your new dorm. It's been so long since you've lived with other students. You look around and see a boy walk out of the supply room with a mop.

Should you follow him, or talk to this new girl?

If you follow the boy...

You walk down the hallways, until you reach the bathroom. The boy opens the door for you, and you walk in. You look at yourself in the mirror. You're wearing a maid outfit that you found in one of the girls' rooms. You don't really look like a maid, but you figured it would be better not to arouse suspicion.

The boy walks in behind you, and starts talking.

"I've been working here for years. I used to work at another school, cleaning bathrooms and changing the bedding. This is the first time I've been able to work in a prestigious school like this. I'm really lucky."

He turns and walks out of the bathroom, leaving you alone.

Should you talk to the boy?


"I'm really excited to be here. I'm going to make lots of friends! I know that for a fact. I'm really lucky to be here! I can't wait to meet all of my new friends! I hope they're not all girls, though. I'd like to make some friends of the male persuasion. Hm, or maybe I should say 'variety'... Ah well, I'm sure I'll find friends. Now, I'd better get back to work. I'll see you later. Bye!"

You spend your first class cleaning the dorm bathrooms, and you enjoy it. After that, you go to lunch. There, you see another student you recognize. She's the student you saw in the hallway earlier.

She says, "So, are you the new girl? I'm Marisa. Nice to meet you."

You nod, and say, "Nice to meet you too. I'm Makoto."

"I know. I know. I've seen you around. I heard they picked you to be the new girl. It's an honor to be selected as the new girl. I'm the most popular girl here."

You smile, and try to make small talk with Marisa.

"Do you go to a different class than I do?"

"Yes, I go to Class 2B. I think you'll really like it. It's much more advanced than our classes here."

You nod, as you start to get a little worried. You're the only foreign student in a class of 30 students, and there are quite a few who already know English. Still, you have the rest of the lunch period to learn the ropes.

At the end of lunch, you go back to your dorm. You change into your school uniform and go to your first class. It's biology. You sit in the back. The teacher, Mr. Rockford, is a short, round man with graying hair. He speaks slowly, which makes his lessons more fun.

The rest of the class talks among themselves, leaving you alone. This is when you have plenty of time to think about your situation. You're not sure if you like it here. Biology is much more fun than English, but you're not sure if you like this school. You miss your mom and dad. How are you ever going to explain this to your parents?

After school, you go to your first club meeting. You walk in to the main room of the club rooms, where about eight other students are sitting around a table.

"Hello, everyone!" a voice says.

"Hi, Ms. Newburn," you say.

"I'd like you all to meet our newest member, Makoto. She'll be joining our club."

"Pleasure to meet you all."

You walk up to the front of the room and sit down at the table. The girls greet you.

"So, have you decided on a club activity for tonight?" one asks.

"We're going to go to a party at the Yagi dorms," another says.

"I hear their party favors are beer and weed. So basically, it's going to be a bunch of kids smoking and drinking for fun. I think I'll go!" you say.

"Me too!" another girl chimes in.

"I'm in!"

"We're in!"

"So who's going to drive us?" one asks.

"I'll drive. It's my dad's old car. It'll hold about half of us," another says.

You're amazed at how many kids are willing to go to a party like that. You're really glad you decided to join the party. You didn't even know partying was an option here. You'll have to keep that in mind for your future parties.

You go to the party with the rest of the club. It's at the Yagi dorms. When you get there, the party is in full swing. Kids are running around, drinking and smoking. You spot a couple of kids making out in the corner of the room.

You're not sure whether or not you should go up to them and join in, or if you should try to find your group.

What should you do?


If you join the couple making out, you'll be able to get a little more information about the school. On the other hand, if you want to hang out with your group, you'll have to leave the couple alone.

You decide to...

You go over to the couple making out.

"Are you okay?" you ask the girl.

She nods, turns to her partner, and says, "We're fine. She's a new transfer from Japan. She doesn't understand our language."

The guy turns to you and says, "Oh, really? That's awesome. I'm Steve, by the way."

"Makoto," you say. "I'm from America."

"I know," Steve says. "I could tell. You speak pretty well, though. I can't even understand what my parents are saying sometimes."

"I took English lessons for three years when I was in America," you explain.

"Oh, really? My parents always wanted me to take English, but I just never had the time."

Steve gets up from the bed and offers you his hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Makoto. I'm Steve."

You take his hand.

"I'm Mako."

"Do you two know each other?" one of the girls asks.

"Yeah, we just met," Steve says.

The girl turns to the other girl.

"What did you want to ask her?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I transferred here."


"I like it here."

"We don't like it here," the girl says.

Steve grabs your hand.

"I like it here too," he says.

"We were just making out," the girl says.

"Well, I wasn't," Steve says.

The girls look at you.

"What do you think, Mako?" one asks.

"I think you should stay the hell away from my boyfriend," you say.

The girls look at each other, and then they walk away. Steve looks at you.

"What was that?"

"Just don't do that again."

"Why not? I want to stay here."

"Just don't do that again. I'm serious."

"Whatever," Steve says, and heads to the party.

You hang out with your group for the rest of the night. The party doesn't get too wild, but it's still a good time.

At around 2:00 AM, everyone heads to their dorms. You get into your own bed, but sleep doesn't come easy. You toss and turn for hours, trying to get comfortable.

In the morning, you wake up and go to get ready for the day.

Breakfast is served in the dining hall, and then you head to class. There are eight periods of class a day, and each period lasts for fifty minutes.

At lunch, you grab a quick lunch and eat it on the school grounds. The school grounds are nice. There are a few trees and grassy areas, and there are benches where you can sit and relax.

After lunch, it's free time.

You spend it as you please. There are a few clubs you can join, like photography or chess. There are a few sports you can play, like baseball or soccer. There are even a few academic clubs, like politics or debate.

What will you do?


There are eight school hours between each day. Right now, it's free period.

What should you do?


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