Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair As Told By An AI

This is a retelling of Danganronpa 2, as told by AI Dungeon. Again, the bold is the prompt, and everything after that is the AI's creation.

You are Hajime Hinata, a new student at Hope's Peak Academy. You've always admired the school, and now, you're finally attending as a first-year student.

The last thing you remember is entering the gates of the school. You black out and wake up on the beach of a mysterious island, with a boy named Nagito Komaeda kneeling over you.

"N-Nagito?" you ask.

"Shh, just relax. You're safe with me."

You look around and see that you're on a beach, with the water on one side. A large rock formation is in the distance.

"Where are we?" you ask.

"A distant part of the island."

"How did we get here?"

"I carried you here."

"Why would you do that?" you ask.

"Because I care about you."

"But I was just fine on my own!"

"You were not," he says. "I'm the one who got you into the academy, and I'm the one who saved you when you fell into the river. I wouldn't leave you like that."


"I'm here to help you, Hajime. You can trust me. Now, I need you to stay quiet and still, so I can get you home. Then, I'm going to get you to safety, and I'll explain everything. But for now, just stay quiet, okay? Just keep your eyes closed and don't say a word."

"Okay, but..."

"Shhh. I know you're scared, but you can trust me. I won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise. Now, just relax. You're safe with me. Relax, hm?"

You're tempted to open your eyes and see if he's lying, but you resist the urge. You just want to go home...

After some time, you hear him sigh. "There, good as new. Now, I need you to take off your shoes."

"My shoes?" you ask.

"Yeah, take off your shoes. I need to patch them up. Don't ask why, just trust me. Take them off. Yes, that's it."

You take off your shoes and stand in your bare feet on the sandy beach.

"Just like that, good as new," he says. "Now, we need to go. Follow me, and don't look back, understood?"

"But what about my shoes?" you ask.

"Trust me, you won't need them," he says.

"But..., I need my shoes."

"For what? We're not even going a mile. And besides, I have a spare pair in my bag. Now, come on! We need to hurry!"

You sigh, but you comply and follow him, dragging your feet in your repaired shoes behind you.

"We're in luck," he says, pointing to your left. "I found another one of those paths, so we don't have to waste time looking for another way. Come on! I know the way to the colony, it's not far. We can be there in no time! Just keep up, okay?"

You follow him, dragging your feet in your repaired shoes behind you.

"What's your name?" he asks.

"Hajime," you reply.

"My name is Nagito. I'm glad we're friends, Hajime."

You don't respond. You just walk, barefoot and silent, in front of him.

"What's wrong?" he asks, a bit concerned. "Hey, you okay? You sick or something?"

"I'm fine," you say.

"You don't look fine. If you want, I can carry you."

"No, I'm fine," you say again, not wanting to cause a delay.

After a few minutes, you come to another opening in the stone wall. This one is significantly larger than the other openings, so you have no choice but to climb through.

"Thanks," you say, as you squeeze past him.

"No problem."

You walk through the tunnel, which is much wider than the others. It takes about half the time to walk there, and it's obvious that Nagito knows the way.

You arrive at a clearing, with a massive stone platform in the middle. The platform is about twenty feet across, and it rises about eight feet above the ground. The platform is ringed by a stone wall with several arches leading into the tunnel, with the largest one being about three times your height.

Nagito hops onto the platform, and you follow.

"So, um...are you okay?" he asks, as you stand before the stone arch.

You look back and forth between him and the arch. "What is this?" you ask.

"It's called a glyph, what you saw in your vision."

"A glyph?" you ask.

"Yeah, it's a picture of a doorway. The doorway to your world."

You look back at the massive archway. "What's behind that door?" you ask.

"Well, you'll find out soon enough. I'll tell you what I know, but first, are you ready to go home?"

You look back at the archway, then at Nagito. You stand there, indecisive. After a few moments, you sigh.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Take me home, Nagito."

Nagito smiles, then nods. "Come on, then," he says. "I'll take you home."

Nagito takes your hand, and you walk towards the archway. You stare at the glyph, which is carved into the stone of the arch. You wonder what's on the other side.

Your hand is warm in his, and you feel a comforting presence behind you. For the first time in your life, you feel safe.

You walk through the doorway, into the sunlight.


You made it! Congratulations on beating the game, and thanks for reading.

If you're interested in writing a sequel, I would love to hear from you. 


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