Fire Emblem Engage: Fell Xenologue Review Part 3

This blog entry contains spoilers for Fire Emblem Engage's Fell Xenologue DLC

 Welcome back to the review of the Fell Xenologue DLC. As a brief recap of last time, Alear was summoned to an alternate Elyos and set out to gather the bracelets and safeguard them from an unknown malefactor. Alear's first destination was Firene, where they reclaimed Hector's bracelet from Alfred and Celine. Alear then sets out for Brodia.

The group heads to Brodia by foot, sneaking in due to the country's hatred of war resulting in tight border security. The logic seems rather odd, as a warlike country would be no less willing to defend its borders.

Nel remarks that they're already in Brodia, and when Alear complains, she snarkily replies that she hopes they can reschedule the parade.

Gregory, who's the counterpart of Griss, arrives. Zelestia reveals that she and Gregory are part of a small band of knights known as the Four Winds, which are counterparts to the Four Hounds, and exist to protect Nel and Nil. Gregory was on a mission to Brodia to gather intelligence, with the other two knights in the other nations, and he seems quick to catch on to Alear being from another world.

Incidentally, unlike the masochistic Griss, Gregory does not have tattoos or piercings, befitting his aversion to pain. This is a nice difference in character design, even if Gregory's outfit is otherwise identical to Griss's.

Unfortunately, Gregory attracted pursuers, and since the border guards are unlikely to have an Emblem bracelet, Nel proposes fleeing. Once they get to safety, the others explain to Alear that they don't have the manpower to fight battles. Gregory then reveals that Brodia is trying to reunite the Emblems, since whoever gathers the Emblems can gain unlimited power.

An unknown individual praises Gregory for putting it all together, but informs him that they can't let him leave. The person turns out to be Alcryst, who's far more confident and abrasive than his meek and kind main universe self, ordering his brother to kill the enemy. Diamant orders his men to capture Nel alive and kill the rest, then goes into battle with Emblem Veronica.

Unique Quotes: Alcryst

Alcryst, as one might expect, has contempt for his main universe self. Amusingly, though, the other Alcryst is in awe of his counterpart's confidence, which only offends the other Alcryst.

Despite being unpleasant overall, Alcryst mourns the deaths of Citrinne and Lapis. One would think that the ultra-wealthy Citrinne would be poor in this world while the farm girl Lapis would be wealthy, but apparently not.

Alcryst is similarly surprised to see Saphir, the captain of Brodia's royal guard. Saphir is impressed by Alcryst's confidence and prepares to face him in battle.

Alcryst mistakes the main universe Diamant for his actual brother, and assumes that the latter is trying to assassinate him(which, due to a typo, is rendered as a statement rather than a question). Diamant makes the biggest understatement in the game when he concludes that his relationship with Alcryst is less cordial in this world.

Alcryst suspects Alear to be an imposter, and plans to prove her true identity by beheading her.

Unique Quotes: Diamant

Diamant's main universe counterpart chides him for his defeatist attitude, noting he'll never win, but inferring he has something he values enough to fight for if he doesn't surrender.

Like with Alcryst, Diamant mourns his retainers, who seem to be the same in the alternate Elyos. He also has a quote for Citrinne, who is his and Alcryst's cousin.

Diamant believes the main universe Alcryst wants to assassinate him, and a flustered Alcryst can't refute that accusation.

Diamant wants Alear to help put an end to the squabbling over the bracelets. Alear says only the other Alear can do that, but she'll claim the Emblem bracelets.

After the Battle

Despite Alcryst's protests, Diamant admits defeat and hands over Emblem Veronica. Like Hector and Tiki, Veronica is Corrupted and must be put to rest.

Nel, Nil, Gregory and Zelestia all muse that they've run from one thing or another. Nel, in particular, is guilty about not seizing the Emblem bracelets sooner, which might have prevented the current state of affairs. Despite missing the other Alear, she starts to warm up to this Alear, if slowly.

Another flashback is shown. Nel is surrounded by siblings who mock Nil as a failure, and the next thing she knows, they're all dead. Nel is horrified, but Sombron doesn't care.

Elsewhere, the Brodian princes get an unexpected visitor- Nel. She admits to killing their guards and demands to know whether they're behind the attack on Lythos Castle. Alcryst protests that he is ignorant, and Nel, believing him, eats him, before doing the same to a horrified and outraged Diamant. She then remarks that Alfred and Celine didn't put up a fight, either, and sneaks back to camp.

It might have been better to foreshadow this development in advance, possibly by having Nel slip out or at least come back at some point after the battle in Firene. That being said, Nel is too obvious a candidate for the Fell Dragon antagonist of the DLC, so it's clear that she's a red herring.

Thoughts So Far

This chapter effectively shows the odds the protagonists face, although it can be undercut by how you can bring your other units into the Fell Xenologue, despite the story acting as though Alear is the only outsider there.

Veronica is a highly surprising choice for an Emblem hero, since she's from Heroes, another crossover. Mechanically, though, she makes for a unique Emblem as a summoner. The fact that she can summon Emblem Heroes makes her rather overpowered, even for a DLC Emblem, and thus makes Alternate Diamant a deadly foe.


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