The News Media's Bad Press In Fiction
If you frequently watch stories that feature reporters or the news media, you may notice that they are rarely portrayed positively unless they're the protagonists. The reason boils down to the fact that in those cases, they aren't the protagonists, and can easily serve as a convenient obstacle for the protagonists or a straw man that the author can bash. The one thing these portrayals have in common is that the media doing its job(or what the author sees as its job) is never enough to solve the problems the heroes face. In many stories, the heroes are the underdog in an uphill battle against a powerful enemy, and having the news media be on the antagonists' side only helps further that perception. By publishing stories that show the heroes in the worst possible light, the news media can help turn public opinion against the heroes, leaving them even more isolated in their quest against the enemy. The villains can show their power by commanding the media to do their bidding. ...